Upcoming Events
A Lenten Evening of Music & Reflection: “Stretch Out Your Hand”
With Peter DeMarco and the Saint Ann Choir
Saint Ann Church, 501 Naugatuck Ave, Milford, CT
March 24, 2025, 7:00 PM — ALL ARE WELCOME!
(Snow date: March 31)
Stations of the Cross: “Come to Me, All of You”
Friday, March 28, 7:00 PM, St. Rita Catholic Church, Hamden, CT (St. Paul VI Parish)
Come pray the Stations of the Cross using Come to Me, All of You: Stations of the Cross in the Voice of Christ. Hosted by the parish Social Justice Committee. All are welcome!
Lenten Evening of Reflection: “Holy Week & Easter: A Time for Healing”
Saint Patrick — St. Anthony Church, Hartford, CT
April 10, 2025, 6:30-8:00 pm
Jesus was a remarkable healer. For much of his public ministry, he was surrounded by human need. Crowds followed him wherever he went, pressing in on him, asking for healing. We too seek out this healer from Nazareth and long to encounter him. Join us for an Evening of Reflection on the cusp of Holy Week as together we reflect on how Jesus is still very much with us, healing and transforming us through his compassionate life, his saving death, and his glorious resurrection.
Annual Retreat, Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: “Healing”
Mount Sacred Heart, Hamden, CT
July 2025
Presentation and Discussion: “Finding Peace: Letting Go of Stress and Worry”
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Simsbury, CT
September 7, 2025
Retreat for Students of Yale University St. Thomas More Catholic Chapel and Center: “Prayer”
September 27, 2025
Past Events (2013-2024)
Lenten Morning of Reflection: “The Rosary of Our Lives”
Women of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Dallas, TX
March 1, 2025
Advent Evening of Reflection: “The Light of the World”
St. Francis of Assisi Church, Naugatuck, CT
December 16, 2024
I enjoyed visiting the beautiful church of St. Francis of Assisi in Naugatuck (built in 1890!), where I was warmly welcomed on a cold night!
Advent by Candlelight
Presentation: “You Are the Light of the World”
Church of the Holy Spirit, Stamford, CT
December 6, 2024
What a lovely evening with the women of the Church of the Holy Spirit and surrounding parishes! We were also joined by pianist Sue Song and iconographer Ewa Krepsztul.
Lights of Faith Dinner: Missions of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Master of Ceremonies
Aqua Turf Club, Plantsville, CT
April 28, 2024
Stations of the Cross: “Come to Me, All of You”
With the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mount Sacred Heart, Hamden, CT
March 20, 2024
Women’s Day of Reflection: “The Rosary of Our Lives”
North Texas Parish Cluster, Diocese of Dallas
February 18, 2023
Women’s Day of Reflection: “The Rosary of Our Lives”
Church of the Holy Spirit, Stamford, CT
October 22, 2022
Lenten Evening of Music and Reflection: “Love, Burn Bright”
With Peter DeMarco and the Saint Ann Choir
March 27, 2022, 5:00 pm, Saint Ann Church, Milford, CT
Marian Day of Reflection
For the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
October 23, 2021
With musician Brian Rucci and the always-welcoming Msgr. O’Grady.
Advent Evening of Music & Reflection: “You Are Not Alone”
With musician Brian Rucci
St. Robert Bellarmine Church, Windsor-Locks, CT
Wed., Dec. 11, 2019, 6:30-7:45 PM
University of Dallas Ministry Conference:
“10 Positive Perspectives on Pain: Biblical and Practical Advice for Embracing Life’s Challenges”
October 10-12, 2019, Irving Convention Center
Pain and struggle are part of life. The suffering we experience, and the suffering we see around us, can cause us to question God’s care for us and can increase feelings of stress and discouragement. This session will offer some theological and practical ideas for understanding, enduring, and even embracing the struggles we experience in our families, workplaces, communities, and world. We can find strength in the weakness of our crosses!
Always a blessing to catch up with Bishop Greg Kelly, who was the chaplain at the University of Dallas during my time there. Not sure what to say about this guy except that I’ve loved every conversation I’ve ever had with him. Dallas is blessed.
Lenten Evening of Reflection: “Finding Strength in the Weakness of My Cross”
Thurs., April 4, 2019, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church, Hartford, CT
The Cross presents us with a paradox that turns our world upside down. St. Paul said it well: “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:10). Join your brothers and sisters in Christ for a Lenten Evening of Reflection as we explore the meaning of these mysterious and life-changing words. How does powerlessness make us strong? How can times of suffering be times of fruitfulness? What happens when human weakness meets the power of God? The answers await us on the Cross of Jesus. Join us for reflection, quiet prayer time and discussion as we take up our crosses and follow him this Lent. All are welcome!
One-Night Lenten Mission: "At the Foot of the Cross"
with Sr. Virginia Herbers, Deacon Art Miller, Peter DeMarco & the Saint Ann Choir
March 13, 2019, 7:00 p.m.
Thank you to everyone who came together to make this evening special!
Day of Reflection for Texas Diocesan Directors of Evangelization and Catechesis: “Rediscovering Acts: Relevant Lessons for Being Church Today”
January 28, 2019
Catholic Conference and Formation Center, Dallas, TX
Day of Reflection: “Repairers of the Breach”
For the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hamden, CT
December 31, 2018
Advent Evening of Music & Reflection in Windsor-Locks: “A Light Shines in the Night”
Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish, Windsor Locks, CT
Wed., December 5, 2018
Yes, we turned on the Christmas lights!!!
Advent Evening of Music & Reflection with the Saint Ann Choir:
“A Light Shines in the Night”
Sun., December 2, 2018, 5:00 p.m.
St. Ann Church, Milford, CT
Women's Retreat: “Poustinia of the Heart: The Life and Spirituality of Catherine Doherty”
St. John Bosco Parish, Branford, CT
October 20, 2018, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Presentation: "Tips and Tools for Studying the New Testament"
Archdiocese of Hartford
September 15, 2018
For the students of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School.
Presentation: "Women and the Resurrection"
St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish, Hartford, CT (Women of Hope)
Sun., April 15, 2018, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
One-Night Lenten Mission: "At the Foot of the Cross"
(cancelled due to weather -- will be rescheduled for Lent 2019)
Wed., March 7, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
Mount Sacred Heart Chapel, 295 Benham St., Hamden, CT
I'm joining forces with the lovely and insightful Sr. Virginia Herbers, ASCJ, and "all-fired-up" Deacon Art Miller to present a one-night Lenten Mission entitled "At the Foot of the Cross." Don't worry -- the choir is coming! Peter DeMarco will direct the St. Ann Choir of Milford, CT as we preach, pray, sing and reflect on what it means to stand at the foot of the Cross. This program will take place in the beautiful chapel of Mount Sacred Heart on the property of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Hamden, CT. Please arrive early to ensure time to park and find your way into the chapel. No registration is required. A free will offering will benefit the ministries of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Advent Evening of Music and Reflection: "You Are Not Alone"
St. Ann Catholic Church, 501 Naugatuck Ave., Milford, CT, Mon., Dec. 18, 7:00 p.m.
Join me, Peter DeMarco, and the fabulous choir at my home parish in Milford for an evening of music and meditation as we prepare our minds and hearts for the coming of Christ. A wonderful way to stay focused during the last week before Christmas. Come and be reminded that God is drawing near to us during this sacred season. The event is free and no RSVP is required.
Advent Retreat: "God of Power and Smallness"
"God is enamored of smallness." -- Servant of God Luis Martinez
Sat., Dec. 2, 2017, St. Thomas Becket Church, Cheshire, CT
Presentation: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
St. Aloysius Our Lady's Guild, New Canaan, CT
Tues., Nov. 21, 2017
Presentation: "Using Imagination in Prayer"
Generations of Faith Inter-generational Religious Education Program
St. Mark the Evangelist, West Hartford, CT
Sun., Nov. 12 and Wed., Nov. 15
For the parishioners of St. Mark the Evangelist Church.
Presentation: "Choosing Faith in Challenging Times"
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Simsbury, CT, Sun., Nov. 5, 2017
In keeping with the parish's "Faith on Fire" theme for the year, we will reflect together on the nature of faith and what it really means to "have faith." We will then consider how faith can be the guiding force of our lives even at times when we are not sure if we believe or if we trust. And finally, we will reflect on the crucial relationship between faith, love and community. Presentation and discussion.
Women's Day of Reflection: "Prayer: Friendship with God"
St. John Bosco Catholic Parish, Branford, CT
Sat., Sep. 16, 2017
Thank you to the gracious women of the newly formed St. John Bosco Parish for hosting me in Branford, CT. And thanks to Rose for loaning me her watch! I look forward to seeing you all again.
Women's Morning of Reflection: "Pilgrimage into the Heart, The Spirituality of Catherine Doherty"
For the women of St. Margaret Mary Church, Shelton
Sat., May 20, 2017
Day of Reflection for Women at Enders Island
For the women of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish, Hartford
Sat., May 6, 2017
My first time to visit Enders Island was a delight thanks to the SPSA Women of Hope and this beautiful place!
Lenten Day of Reflection for Women: "Finding Strength in the Weakness of my Cross"
Sat., April 1, 2017
St. James Catholic Church, Stratford, CT
"Be With Me, Lord": An Evening of Music and Reflection for Lent
Mon., Mar. 27, 2017, 7:00 p.m., St. Ann Church, 501 Naugatuck Ave., Milford, CT
All are invited to a Lenten evening of reflection and music at St. Ann Church in Milford. Let us come together in prayer and song to be reminded that all we need to do during Lent and Holy Week is stay close to Jesus, follow him and befriend him, and accept the extraordinary love of God he offers. Music by the St. Ann Choir under the direction of Peter DeMarco and meditations by Amy Ekeh. There is no cost for the evening.
Lent Retreat: "Prayer: An Invitation to Friendship with God"
Sat., Mar. 18, 2017, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Caritas Christi Retreat Center, 295 Benham St., Hamden, CT
Prayer is our relationship with God. Like any relationship, it can be both easy and difficult, exciting and boring, fruitful and barren. Join us for a Lenten Retreat Day, as we reflect together on the meaning, purpose and challenges of prayer. We will also explore some types of prayer you may have never tried before. Each participant will receive a packet full of prayer techniques and helpful ideas. Reinvigorate your prayer life this Lenten season with a retreat day of learning, reflection, discussion and quiet time.
Presentation: "Aging as a Time of Spiritual Growth: A Positive Perspective"
Wed., March 8, 2017
St. Robert's Catholic Church Windsor-Locks, CT
Have you ever thought about your later years as the greatest spiritual time in your life? While aging naturally presents us with challenges, there are ways to open our minds and hearts to new possibilities. Join us for dinner and presentation, as we consider the graces available to us in our later years. We will also reflect on our “spiritual legacies” – the spiritual blessings we want to leave behind for future generations.
Presented by Amy Ekeh and Ruth Mulhern, R.N.
Lenten Day of Reflection for Women: "Finding Strength in the Weakness of my Cross"
March 4, 2017
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Simsbury, CT
Advent Morning of Reflection: "Reflecting on the Birth of Jesus in Scripture and in Our Lives"
Sat., Dec. 3, 2016, 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
St. Thomas Beckett Church, 435 N. Brooksvale Rd., Cheshire, CT
The Gospel stories of the birth of Jesus are full of powerful images, beautiful songs, ancient prophecies and rich symbolism. They are stories of joy and sorrow, peace and foreboding. The newborn king is depicted as a vulnerable infant, a glorious savior, and a potential threat to those in earthly power. He is worshipped by some and hunted down by others, foreshadowing the life and ministry that will set the earth ablaze. Join us for an Advent Day of Reflection as we reflect on these ancient stories and prepare together for the birth of Christ.
Sophomore Retreat: "Pearls of Great Price"
For the sophomores of Sacred Heart Academy, Hamden, CT
Wed., Oct. 26, 2016
Little Rock Scripture Study Weekend Retreat: "Mercy: What God Gives and What God Requires"
Fri.-Sun., Oct. 21-23, 2016
Subiaco Monastery, Subiaco, Arkansas
Many thanks to Cackie Upchurch and the wonderful staff of Little Rock Scripture Study for hosting me in a beautiful setting among some wonderful, faith-filled people who love Scripture. I had a lovely weekend with all of you! Behold, how good and pleasant it is when Texans and Arkansans dwell together in unity!
Subiaco Abbey, Benedictines of Arkansas, Subiaco, AR
Women's Day of Reflection: "The Empty Cabin of My Heart"
St. Mary's Church, Simsbury, CT, Sat., June 4, 2016
Join us for a Day of Reflection as we explore the spirituality of Servant of God Catherine Doherty, a Russian-born aristocrat who fled Russia as an impoverished refugee, rebuilt her life as a successful lecturer in North America, and then voluntarily gave it all up to serve the poor in the inner cities of Toronto and Harlem. Behind every decision, challenge, joy and sorrow of Catherine’s life was a down-to-earth spirituality and a beautiful approach to prayer. In our retreat day of prayer, presentations, quiet time, discussion and fellowship, together we will discover the gift of Catherine’s life and spirituality, especially her understanding of the poustinia of the heart – a way to be with Jesus even in the midst of our busy, everyday lives.
Parish Morning of Reflection: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
Would you like to see the rosary in a new light? The rosary is not only the story of Jesus & Mary – it is also your story! This classic symbol of Catholic faith symbolizes your own life – the beads are like steps along life’s path. Your life has had its own “mysteries” – its own significant moments – sorrowful, joyful, glorious and luminous. Join us for a Morning of Reflection as we imitate Mary by pondering in our own hearts the presence of God in the “Rosary of Our Lives.”
Sponsored by St. Bridget/St. Thomas Becket Parishes, Cheshire, CT
St. Bridget Parish Center, 125 Main St., Cheshire, CT
Thurs., May 19, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Catholic Biblical School Workshop: "From Creation to the Cross: Exploring Biblical Perspectives on the Mystery of Human Suffering"
The diversity of ideas and perspectives we discover in Scripture includes a variety of approaches to human suffering. From the self-inflicted wounds of Adam and Eve to the redemptive wounds of Christ, Scripture opens to us an inner world of human questions and enduring truths. Together we will explore the lasting impact of sin, the agonizing search for answers, the challenge of authentic surrender, and at the heart of it all, the abiding love of God. Join us for an informative, thought-provoking and personally meaningful day of study and reflection as we investigate biblical perspectives on the mystery of human suffering.
Archdiocese of Hartford St. Thomas Seminary
Sat., April 30, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Evening of Reflection: "The Spiritual Adventure of Our Later Years"
Have you ever thought about your later years as the greatest spiritual time in your life? While aging naturally presents us with challenges, there are ways to open our minds and hearts to new possibilities. Join us for an Evening of Reflection as we consider the graces available to us in our later years. We will also reflect on our “spiritual legacies” – the spiritual blessings we want to leave behind for future generations.
Presented by Amy Ekeh and Ruth Mulhern, R.N.
Mon., April 11, 2016, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden, CT (295 Benham St.)
Lenten Morning of Reflection for Women: "Mercy"
Sat., Mar. 12th, 2016
St. Mary's Church, Branford, CT
Caritas Christi Center Lent Retreat: "Mercy: What God Gives and What God Requires"
Join us for a Lenten Retreat in this Year of Mercy as we reflect together on what Scripture teaches us about the mercy of God. We will reflect on Old Testament concepts such as creation and covenant, and even consider the difficult story of Noah and the Great Flood. In the New Testament, we will consider how Jesus reveals the fullness of God’s mercy in his life and in his death, and how he calls us to a very high standard of imitating him. Our day will include talks, quiet time, prayer, discussion and lunch. Come and be refreshed in the mercy of God. Walk away compelled to live a life of mercy for others.
Caritas Christi Center, Hamden, CT (295 Benham St.)
February 20, 2016, 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Morning of Reflection: "The Spiritual Adventure of Our Later Years"
Have you ever thought about your later years as the greatest spiritual time in your life? While aging naturally presents us with challenges, there are ways to open our minds and hearts to new possibilities. Join us for a Morning of Reflection as we consider the graces available to us in our later years. We will also reflect on our “spiritual legacies” – the spiritual blessings we want to leave behind for future generations.
Presented by Amy Ekeh and Ruth Mulhern, R.N.
Thurs., Jan. 28, 2016, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Sponsored by St. Bridget/St. Thomas Beckett Parishes, Cheshire, CT
Adult Faith Formation Series: "Catholicism 101: Encountering Christ in Prayer, Scripture and the Mass"
Tuesday evenings: Jan. 5, Jan. 12, Jan. 19, Jan. 26, Feb. 2 (Feb. 9 snow date if needed), 6:00-7:30 p.m.
St. Ann's Catholic Church, 481 Brewster St., Bridgeport, CT 06605
To register, email me at amyekeh@outlook.com, and I will sign you up.
This 5-week class was designed for parents of religious education students at St. Ann's Church in Black Rock but is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Topics will include prayer basics, Scripture basics and Eucharist basics. Fr. Peter Lynch will give an instructive walk-through of the Mass on Jan. 26.
Women's Advent Day of Reflection: "You Shall Name Him Jesus: Reflecting on the Birth of Christ in Scripture and in Our Lives"
The Gospel stories of the birth of Jesus are full of powerful images, beautiful songs, ancient prophecies and rich symbolism. They are stories of joy and sorrow, peace and foreboding. The newborn king is depicted as a vulnerable infant, a glorious savior, and a potential threat to those in earthly power. He is worshipped by some and hunted down by others, foreshadowing the life and ministry that will set the earth ablaze. Join us for an Advent Day of Reflection as we reflect on these ancient stories and prepare together for the birth of Christ.
Sat., Dec. 12, 2015, St. James Catholic Church, Stratford, CT
I loved gathering with old friends and meeting new ones as we studied and reflected together on the Infancy Narratives of Matthew's and Luke's Gospels.
Sophomore Retreat: "Pearls of Great Price: Created. Loved. Called."
October 28, 2015
I enjoyed a new adventure -- leading a retreat for sophomores at Sacred Heart Academy with the help of Sr. Lany Jo Smith.
Picture below: 130 pearls of great price!
Day of Reflection for the Deacons' Wives of the Archdiocese of Hartford: "Contemporary Women of God"
Sat., Oct. 24, 2015
It is always a pleasure to spend a day with the deacons' wives of the Archdiocese. We enjoyed reflecting on the lives of Catherine Doherty, Dorothy Day, Mother Teresa and St. Josephine Bakhita -- and our own call to holiness in the "nitty-gritty of life." We were blessed with a beautiful fall day and a lovely setting at St. Joan of Arc Church in Hamden, CT.
Morning of Reflection: "The Spiritual Adventure of Our Later Years"
Have you ever thought of your later years as the greatest spiritual time in your life? While aging naturally presents us with challenges, there are ways to open our minds and hearts to new possibilities. Join us for a Morning of Reflection as we consider the graces available to us in our later years. We will also reflect on our “spiritual legacies” – the spiritual blessings we want to leave behind for future generations.
Presented by Amy Ekeh and Ruth Mulhern, R.N.
Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden, CT
Thurs., Oct. 8, 2015, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Catholic Women Standing Strong for Today's Church Conference: "In the Company of Faithful Women"
Sponsored by the West Shore Deanery
Speakers: Amy Ekeh & Regina Cram
St. John Vianney/Our Lady of Victory Parishes, West Haven, CT
Sat., Sep. 12, 2015
I will speak in the morning about the life and spirituality of Servant of God Catherine Doherty.
World Meeting of Families Workshop (Connecticut): "Biblical Understanding of Marriage and Family"
June 13, 2015, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
East Catholic High School, Manchester, CT
Women's Day of Reflection for the Diocese of Bridgeport: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
Sat., May 30, 2015, 8:15 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
St. Margaret Shrine, Bridgeport, CT
Over 100 women from throughout the Diocese of Bridgeport gathered on a beautiful spring day at St. Margaret Shrine! We had a lovely day together and enjoyed the beauty of this unique shrine.
Women's Morning of Reflection: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
St. Mary's Church, Simsbury, CT
Sat., May 2, 2015, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
I enjoyed this Morning of Reflection with the welcoming women of St. Mary's Church in Simsbury. I look forward to returning next year!
Presentation: "The Joy of the Gospel: An Evening with Pope Francis"
St. Mary's and St. Robert's Parish, Windsor-Locks, CT
Wed., March 25, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Pope Francis’ document Evangelii Gaudium shares his vision for the future of our Church in the contemporary world. This presentation will introduce the document, exploring its key themes and making it relevant for every Catholic. Pope Francis writes, “I dream of a….missionary impulse capable of transforming everything.” How will you share in this transformation? Come and explore this landmark document and walk away speaking the words of St. Paul: “Woe to me if I do not proclaim the Gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16).
Diocese of Bridgeport Deacons' Convocation / Workshops: "Communicating the Faith to Adults" and "How to Give a Prayer Workshop at Your Parish"
Sat., Mar. 14, 2015
For the Deacons and Deacons' Wives of the Diocese of Bridgeport
It was an honor and a pleasure to gather with the deacons of Bridgeport and their wives!
Lenten Retreat: "Finding Strength in the Weakness of my Cross"
Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden, CT (295 Benham St.)
Sat., Mar. 7, 2015
The Cross presents us with a paradox that turns our world upside down. St. Paul said it well: “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:10). Join your brothers and sisters in Christ for a Lenten Retreat as we explore the meaning of these mysterious and life-changing words. How does powerlessness make us strong? How can times of suffering be times of fruitfulness? What happens when human weakness meets the power of God? The answers await us on the Cross of Jesus. Join us for reflection, quiet prayer time and discussion as we take up our crosses and follow him this Lent.
Lenten Parish Mission: "Finding Strength in the Weakness of my Cross"
Church of the Resurrection, Burtonsville, MD
Sun., Mar. 1 - Tues., Mar. 3, 2015, 7:30-9:00 p.m. nightly
Despite the icy weather, some brave souls (including myself and my daughter Siobhan!) gathered together to reflect on a Christian perspective on suffering and to meditate on the Cross, the centerpiece of our faith. We enjoyed visiting Maryland!
Witness Talk: "What Christmas Means to Me: Promise & Fulfillment"
St. James Church, Stratford, CT
Women's Advent Evening of Reflection
Fri., Dec. 19, 2014
I was so blessed to join with my sisters in faith at St. James, my home parish. One of the women, Linda, decorated the Christmas tree in the chapel with red balls and white doilies to reflect the "Paradise Tree" tradition described in my blog post "Lessons of the Trees #5: O Tannenbaum!" What a beautiful, meaningful surprise. Here is a picture of the beautiful tree.
Marian Day of Reflection: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
St. Mary's Church, Milford, CT
Sat., Dec. 13, 2014
I thank the Ladies Guild of St. Mary's Church for inviting me to offer this retreat at their parish. I felt very welcome, and we had a lovely Advent day together pondering the lives of Jesus and Mary!
Presentation: "Pope Francis and the Renewal of Catholicism"
St. Mary's Church, Simsbury, CT
Sun., Dec. 7, 2014
I enjoyed visiting Fr. Matera's parish in lovely Simsbury, CT. Parishioners were welcoming, asked great questions and shared their own insights and ideas. You can view the presentation here: http://www.stmarysimsbury.org/news/pope-francis-and-the-renewal-of-catholicism.
Faith and Evangelization Congress 2014, Archdiocese of Hartford / Workshop: "The Agony in the Garden as a Model of Human Suffering"
Sat., Nov. 15, 2014
St. Paul Catholic High School, Bristol, CT
Workshop I: 1:30-2:30 p.m. / Workshop II: 2:40-3:40 p.m.
I shared in some meaningful time with two responsive groups at St. Paul High School in Bristol. Thanks for being willing to sit through an hour of "agony" with me!
Evening of Reflection: "Your Spiritual Family Tree"
Pope Francis wrote that "the believer is essentially one who remembers." Our faith is passed on from one person to another like a living memory. Who passed the faith on to you? Who has nurtured you spiritually? Join us for an evening of reflection, prayer and discussion as we reflect back on our lives and identify the many members of our spiritual family trees. A prayerful preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden, CT
Thurs., Nov. 13, 2014, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
I enjoyed reflecting on our "spiritual pasts" with a lovely group in Hamden!
Day of Reflection: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
St. James, Rocky Hill, CT
Sat., Oct. 25, 2014
For the Deacons' Wives of the Archdiocese of Hartford
A beautiful fall day retreating with the wives of deacons of the Archdiocese. Thank you for having me!
Parish Day of Reflection: “The Rosary of Our Lives”
Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden CT
Sat., Oct. 4, 2014
For the women of Immaculate Conception & Assumption Parishes, Tuckahoe, NY
I enjoyed the day with the delightful women of Tuckahoe!
Evening of Reflection: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
Would you like to see the rosary in a new light? The rosary is not only the story of Jesus & Mary – it is also your story! This classic symbol of Catholic faith symbolizes your own life – the beads are like steps along life’s path. Your life has had its own mysteries, its own significant moments – sorrowful, joyful, glorious and luminous. Join us for an Evening of Reflection as we imitate Mary by pondering in our own hearts the presence of God in the “Rosary of Our Lives.”
Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden, CT
Wed., May 21, 2014, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
We had a nice turnout at the retreat center of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Mt. Sacred Heart in Hamden. I enjoyed sharing an evening with a reflective, responsive group!
Afternoon of Reflection: "The Divine Mercy"
St. Margaret Shrine, Bridgeport, CT
Sun., Apr. 27, 2014
I shared a lovely afternoon with parishioners of St. Margaret Shrine as well as some guests from other parishes. We reflected on what the Scriptures tell us about the merciful love of God and the mercy God requires of his people. We closed with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction.
Women's Retreat: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
St. James Catholic Church, Stratford, CT
Sat., Mar. 29, 2014, 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
A wonderful turnout of women dedicated to deepening their relationship with God this Lent. I was blessed by this time with the ladies of my home parish.
Presentation: "Eucharist: Presence and Communion"
St. Mary's Parish, Windsor-Locks, CT
Feb. 17, 2014, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
I had a delightful time in Windsor-Locks with the people and priests of St. Mary's & St. Robert's Churches. Thank you for having me!
Presentation: "The Communion of Saints"
St. Mark the Evangelist Church, West Hartford, CT
Dec. 15 & 18, 2013
It was wonderful to see a vibrant "Generations of Faith" program in action! Thank you Lou Ann and Sheila. And thank you to my delightful dinner companions!
Presentation: "The King and the Eucharist" (A Christ the King Celebration)
St. James Catholic Church, Stratford, CT
Sun., Nov. 24, 2013, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
It was comforting to be with all of you and witness your love for Jesus in the Eucharist.
Diocese of Bridgeport Catechetical Congress Workshop: "If Today You Hear His Voice: Recognizing the Moments of Your Own Evangelization"
Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT
Sat., Nov. 16, 2013
It was an honor to be part of this event. Sr. Julie, thank you for your support!
Reflection: "Friendship in Christ"
St. James Catholic Church, Ministry with Women
Fri., Sep. 13, 2013
It's always a joy to gather with my friends in Christ!