Upcoming Event: The Spiritual Adventure of Our Later Years

I'm excited about an upcoming event I will be doing with Ruth Mulhern, R.N., a retired hospice nurse who is full of life, wit and wisdom.  Ruth and I will be presenting together on various aspects of aging.  Ruth will be giving some "nuts and bolts," then I will be talking about the spiritual potential we have as we age.  We want to present a positive but realistic vision of how the aging process, though challenging, can bring us closer to God and teach us the beautiful art of surrender.

The morning will include prayer, presentations, time for quiet reflection, and a bit of discussion.

Below you will find the details of the event as well as registration information.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.  I would love to see you there!

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Morning of Reflection:  "The Spiritual Adventure of Our Later Years"

Have you ever thought of your later years as the greatest spiritual time in your life?  While aging naturally presents us with challenges, there are ways to open our minds and hearts to new possibilities.  Join us for an Evening of Reflection as we consider the graces available to us in our later years.  We will also reflect on our “spiritual legacies” – the spiritual blessings we want to leave behind for future generations. 

Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden, CT

Thurs., Oct. 8, 2015, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

To register, call Sr. Jeanne Marie at the Caritas Christi Center:  203-281-2569.

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